IELTS Speaking Tips

1) Practice all 3 parts of the test :- 
                                                  The examiner is listening to you speak and judging how well you speak from the first minute you enter the room. Don’t just practice for 1 or 2 parts of the speaking exam, prepare for all 3 parts.
   Each of the 3 parts contribute to your overall speaking score. There is no mark for part 1 or part 2 or part 3. Make sure you know what to do and how to structure your answers for each part.
    When you do practice speaking tests you don’t need to do a full test every time but you should practice for each part for an equal amount of time in your study schedule.

2) Fluency is more important than accuracy :-
                                                             Grammar and vocabulary range and accuracy are important marking criteria for the speaking exam. However, be careful not to focus too much on accuracy and lose marks for poor fluency.
    It is OK to correct yourself when you make grammar or vocabulary mistakes but don’t do it every time you make a mistake. By stopping in the middle of a sentence and correcting yourself every time, you will not speak fluently.
    It will also be difficult for you to speak about all of the points in part 2 in 2 minutes if you do too much error correction.

 3) Use the correct tense in your answers :-
                                                      Twenty five percent of your mark in the speaking exam is connected to grammar range and accuracy. The questions that the examiner asks you are designed to get you to use different grammar and tenses.
    If the examiner asks a past simple question, then your answer should be in the past simple tense. So, it is important that you listen to the question carefully so you know what tense to use in your response.
    When you do practice speaking tests, look carefully and notice the variety of tenses being used in part 1 questions.

4) Practice with a partner :- 
.                                            Self study is an important step in preparing for the IELTS exam but when it comes to the speaking exam, actually speaking to another person is important. Find a speaking partner who is also preparing for the exam and help each other.
    Get your speaking partner to act as an examiner and make sure they let you know what you are doing well and what you need to improve. Having a partner can also make the studying process less boring and lonely.


  1. Excellent post with good information. Thank you for sharing more update
    IELTS Coaching Center in Tambaram


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