IELTS listening score 7.0 and beyond Tips

                                                       IELTS LISTENING TIPS
                                    Discover how to increase your IELTS
                                                          listening score to 7.0 and beyond
These listening tips are designed to help IELTS students get a better understanding of the IELTS listening exam. This guide includes useful tips that are essential for IELTS listening exam success.

(1) Learn to concentrate for 45 minutes 
    During the listening exam students need to focus and concentrate for up to 45 minutes. For many students this is difficult to do because they are not used to concentrating for so long.

When you do practice listening tests make sure you do tasks that take up to 45 minutes so that you improve your ability to focus for long periods of time.

(2) Improve your active vocabulary
All parts of the IELTS exam test the vocabulary levels of students and the listening exam is no exception. Increase your chances of getting answers correct by having a wide range of vocabulary.

 Knowing the meaning of a word is not good enough for IELTS, you need to know the different forms of the word as well as the correct spelling. Find useful IELTS vocabulary from practice IELTS reading exams.

(3) Identify keywords in the questions
 It is possible to know what you need to listen for before you actually listen. Use words in the questions to know what type of word the answer will be.

You should also use keywords to follow along with the audio. When there are names or numbers given in the question then when you hear those things you know you should get ready to hear the answer to that particular question.

(4) Have fun with your preparation
  Try to enjoy the experience of preparing for the IELTS exam. If you are always serious and stressed out you are less likely to find time to study.

Try to make the experience enjoyable by studying with friends and including study games as part of your preparation.

(5)  Practice under real exam conditions
  Many students do practice tests at home or in class and perform quite well compared with when they do the real IELTS exam. The reason for this is usually down to how they feel during the exam.

It is advisable to practice under real exam conditions so that you get used to the strict exam environment. Do practice tests with other students, without distractions, with real time limits and with answer sheets.

(6) Develop a clear step by step strategy
  Entering the exam room can be a very stressful experience for some students. If you go into the room and you know exactly what to do you are more likely to be relaxed and make less mistakes.

Knowing what you will do when you get the question booklet and when you will transfer your answers, will help you mange your stress levels and your time.

(7) Learn from your common mistakes
  In order to improve your listening test scores you need to know what you are doing well and what you are not doing so well. Whenever you do practice listening tasks always try to identify the type of mistakes that you make.

Common error types in the listening exam include spelling or grammar errors, poor transferring skills and the inability to follow along with the audio.

(8) Practice transferring your answers
  It is quite common for students to do practice listening tests without transferring answers to an answer sheet.

Managing your time when you transfer and checking for errors as you transfer are two skills that you need to practice before exam day.

(9) Read and listen at the same time
  It is common for students to understand more when they read than when they listen. By reading and listening at the same time you can increase your listening comprehension.

Use audio tracks and tape scripts to read as you listen. Most of the articles on TheIELTSCoach website also have audio tracks that you can listen to.

(10) Never give up on your goal
  A lot of students fail to get the IELTS score they desire simply because they stop trying. Yes, the IELTS exam will be difficult but if you keep trying you will eventually get the score you need.

It is important to stay motivated on your goal and remember what it will feel like once you achieve your target score. Think of what you will be able to do once you have the IELTS band score that you are striving for. Never give up!

                                         Thank You!

Thanks for reading through all of the IELTS listening tips. I will continue to send you some more listening tips and advice so that we can work together towards your goal.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me on my FACEBOOK Page IELTS Tips
or through my Facebook Personal account Syed Ihteram


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