IELTS Task 2 Brainstorming and Planning

Brainstorming and Planning :-
                                               Once you have analysed the question in the IELTS test you need to brainstorm some ideas to include in your answer.
 Lets look at some questions.
The crime rate among teenagers has increased dramatically in many countries. 
 Discuss some possible reasons for this increase and suggest solutions.
 Brainstorming is an important part of the planning process. In order to get a good score it will not be enough just to put a list of ideas - you need to extend and explain those ideas.
If you look at the IELTS prompt, it says this:
   Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.
 So you need to support your ideas using reasons and examples.

Developing Focus Questions
                                 For this question, you need to write about reasons for the increase in teenage crime and solutions.
  In order to make sure you fully answer the question it is a good ideas to develop some focus questions i.e. questions that will help you focus on what you need to write.
These are possible focus questions for this essay question:
          Focus question 1: Why has teenage crime increased?
           Focus question 2: What can be done about it?

Planning :-
            When you have extended your main ideas, this then provides the basis for your plan.
   Here is an example of the brainstormed ideas with further support, which has now become the plan for the essay:
                                            Essay Plan
Why has teenage crime increased?
1) Breakdown in the nuclear family
    - high divorce rates = no father as ‘role model’
    – boys go astray, drugs & crime
2) Lack of things to do
     - e.g. TV has shown nothing to do
     - children see crime as entertainment

 What can be done about it?
 1) Govt - Provide better support for families
       - e.g. more youth centres
       – guidance and activities, sport
2) Parents – take responsibility
      - provide loving environment, relative as role model


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