IELTS Reading Easy Tips - Top 10 very Useful Tips about IELTS Reading

The Best Tips for IELTS Reading Exam :-
1) Before you start, check all 3 sections of the test – you don’t need to start with section 1. In fact, it’s better to start with a section that suits you best. This means if you see a topic you like you could choose this section first. If you hate paragraph matching questions and always do badly at them, then do this section last.
2) Spend no more than 20 minutes on each section – you have 3 sections to complete in 60 minutes. 3) Always start by reading through the text quickly (about 5 minutes) and underline the main idea in each paragraph. If you can’t decide what to underline write a note at the side which tells you the topic of this paragraph. (For General students, you may have shorter texts to read but more of them, so make sure that for each section of the exam you spend about 5 minutes of actual reading time.
4) Circle the instructions regarding the number of words in the answer – they change throughout the exam.
5) Underline or circle the key words in questions, and look for similar meaning words and phrases in the text. Think about what kind of answer you are looking for, and/or what the grammar of the answer might be. 
6) As you answer the reading questions, make sure you write the answers directly onto the answer sheet – there is no time to transfer answers at the end. 
7) If your answer requires you to copy a word from the text, make sure you copy the spelling correctly.
8) For challenging questions such as matching paragraph headings, summarizing and Yes/No/True/False/Not Given, it might help to read the questions and identify key words before you read the text. As you read you may find a paragraph or sentence relates well to one of the questions. You could put a * next to it to help you find the actual answer later.
9) For multiple choice and paragraph heading questions, if you find a answer that you think is wrong then mark an X by it – it helps to identify wrong answers so you don’t waste more time on them.
10) For matching paragraph headings, if you can’t decide between 2 possible answers then write both. When you’ve finished all the questions you can go back and delete the inappropriate one.

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