Best way to study IELTS
It is common knowledge that studying hard is the way to get a good score on any test, especially IELTS. This, however, is not true. Yes you need to study hard, but the best way to study IELTS is to “study smart”. What does studying smart mean? It means you don’t waste your time learning from inferior sources, it means you don’t spend hours and hours learning bad habits, and it means you study specifically for your test, not a test that is similar to the one you’re going to take. Don’t waste your time with bad source material. A lot of the materials out there are written by people whose first language isn’t even English. Much of the stuff out there is of shockingly poor quality. These materials teach you bad habits, bad grammar, and bad strategies. Here at GIELTSHelp, we pride ourselves on our high quality materials written by university graduate native English speakers. Thousands of hours of research and development have been put into developing materials that help you learn in ...